Friday, November 21, 2008

A bit over a month left for....

Bélgica (Belgique)Joyeux Noël/ Prettige Kerstfeest
Bulgária (Balgarija) Vessela Koleda
República Checa (Ceská Republika)Veselé Vánoce
Dinamarca (Danmark)Gloedelig Jul
Alemanha (Deustchland)Frohe Weihnachten
Estónia (Eesti)Häid Jõule
Irlanda (Ireland)Merry Christmas
Espanha (España)Feliz Navidad
França (France)Joyeux Noél
Itália (Italie)Buon Natale
Chipre (Kypros-Kibris)KAΛA XPIΣTOYΓENNA
Letónia (Latvija)Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus
Lituânia (Lietuva)Laimingų Kalėdų
Luxemburgo (Luxembourg)Joyeux Noél/Frohe Weihnachten
Hungria (Magyarország)Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket
Malta (Malta)il-Milied it- Tajjeb
Holanda (Nederland)Prettige Kerstfeest
Áustria (Österreich)Frohe Weihnachten
Polónia (Polska)Wesolych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
PortugalFeliz Natal
Roménia (România)Crăciun Fericit
Eslovénia (Slovenija)Vesel božič
Eslováquia (Slovensko)Veselé Vianoce
Finlândia (Suomi)Hyvää Joulua
Suécia (Sverige)God Jul
Reino Unido (United Kingdom)Merry Christmas

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Notre Prochaine Destination! :-D

On va bien s'amuser! :-D

Saturday, November 8, 2008


It's a most welcome change. Despite the pressure on the newest president of the most powerful (or at least the "loudest") nation in the world, I frankly believe that few people would do a worst job than GWB. Whatever Barack Obama does is better for sure!

I wonder if Americans are getting less stupid. The world paid an horrible price for their stupidity for the last 8 years.