"Patine hoje pelo ambiente de amanhã!" - no Fórum Algarve...
é que se ainda fosse na Suíça, eu até percebia... há naturalmente sítios para esquiar e para patinar... mas no Fórum Algarve é forçosamente artificial. Pior: num ambiente aquecido como o interior de um centro comercial é preciso manter o gelo congelado. Sou eu que não percebo ou isso significa que é preciso gastar energia adicional para conseguir isto? E não é verdade que o consumo de energia contribui para as emissões de CO2, as mesmas que são a principal razão pelo aquecimento global????
Sou só eu que não percebo?
"Este Natal envolva-se numa causa Ambiental "Patine agora pelo ambiente de amanhã" De 10 de Novembro a 6 de Janeiro participe, o montante angariado será utilizado na criação de uma Ecoteca na Biblioteca M. de Faro-Um espaço de estudo sobre o ambiente-distribuição de um Kit ambiente pelas Escolas do Concelho de Faro e por as Bibliotecas do Algarve"
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Publicada por
Lobinho Ibérico
8:07 PM
1 comentários
Un centro comercial crea el espacio 'aparca maridos'
El centro comercial Gran Via 2 de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) ha puesto en marcha un espacio en el que los clientes pueden descansar y entretenerse mientras sus mujeres realizan las compras y que han denominado aparca maridos.
La idea surgió gracias a la participación de los clientes en el concurso de la web ¿Y por qué no?, en el que se pide a los visitantes que propongan aquello que les gustaría encontrar en el centro.
Un cliente propuso la idea de hacer una guardería gratuita para los maridos que acompañan a sus esposas de compras y que tanto se acababan aburriendo o cansando. La dirección del Gran Via 2 consideró la opción interesante y factible y ahora la ha puesto en marcha.
La nueva zona del centro comercial está equipada con sofás, televisiones y prensa y se plantea como un espacio para desconectar, descansar o bien empezar a mirar la jornada deportiva del fin de semana. Según fuentes de la dirección del complejo comercial, será una zona en continua evolución, puesto que se irán incorporando nuevos servicios.
Fonte: El Pais
Ponemos un micrófono en el "Aparca-maridos" de un centro comercial en Madrid
Publicada por
3:48 PM
1 comentários
Ingredients (serves 4)
250g Thai-style Rice Noodles
1/4 cup fish sauce
2 tablespoons palm sugar or brown sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
2 tablespoons peanut oil
2 chicken breast fillets, trimmed, thinly cut across the grain
3 eschalots, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 small red chilli, finely chopped
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup roasted peanuts, finely chopped
125g beansprouts, trimmed
coriander leaves and lime wedges, to serve
Place noodles in a large bowl. Cover with warm water and stand for 7 minutes or until tender. Drain and refresh under cold water. Combine fish sauce, sugar and lime juice in a jug. Set aside.
Heat wok over high heat until very hot. Add 2 teaspoons oil and swirl to coat. Add a third of chicken and stir-fry for 1 minute or until golden. Transfer to a plate. Repeat twice with with oil and remaining chicken.
Add remaining 2 teaspoons oil to wok and swirl to coat. Add eschalots, garlic and chilli. Stir-fry for 1 minute. Push to side. Add eggs and cook until slightly set. Stir eggs to scramble. Add noodles, fish sauce mixture, peanuts, beansprouts and chicken. Stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes or until heated through. Serve with coriander and lime wedges.
Variation: You could add 200g cooked, peeled prawns in step 3.
Publicada por
3:34 PM
Etiquetas: recipes
Try Out Bollywood's Casting Couch
If you want to see your face on the silver screen, outsource yourself to India. Bollywood's casting agents are scrambling to find foreigners to give their films a cosmopolitan feel.
Without a stable population of Caucasian faces to populate imaginary discothèques, ranks of British soldiers, and Hare Krishna converts, casting agents and film crews often find themselves scouring the city for anyone who looks Western. Some people who had never given a thought to being in films have discovered potential acting careers.
article here
Publicada por
9:25 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Is this a conspiracy?!
I got this email from a friend today:
«Find the man that calls you lovely instead of "hot"...
That calls you back when you hang up the phone on his face...
That stays awake just to watch you sleeping...
Wait for the man that kisses you on the forehead...
That holds your hand in front of his friends...
Wait for the man that constantly reminds you how much you mean to him and how lucky he is to have you...
Wait for the man that turns to his friends and says "that's the one"...»
awahhhh ... how disgustingly pretty that is, isn't it? It just makes me want to... throw up with "emotion"! :-P
Having had a root canal treatment done today, I'm on unbelievable pain everytime my teeth happen to touch when I close my mouth [Any ideas on how NOT to do that??!!!] ( I've long exceeded the amount of pain killers allowed for the time span) . It was fine during the anestetic though... a bit like "being in love" - it just feels like hell when it "clears off". I just have one thing to say to that: QUIT THE TORTURE!!!! Jeez, people are relentless... DAH!!!
Publicada por
11:24 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thank you
Thank you for coming and sharing this special moment with us. Thank you for your thoughtful gifts. We loved it.
Now that we have return to the work life, we can remeber the hollidays and share some pictures from our honeymoon with you, the decent ones of course ;)
Publicada por
5:47 PM
1 comentários
«Mila kuda su plania» ou «Mila kura si planina»?
Consta que a derrota da Inglaterra frente à Croácia na passada quarta-feira não foi marcada apenas pelo afastamento dos ingleses do Euro-2008. O momento alto da festa (Croata) foi mesmo uma interpretação algo original do seu hino. Esta originalidade pode ter escapado à maioria dos 80 mil espectadores do estádio de Wembley, visto serem ingleses, mas não deixou de suscitar dúvidas aos adeptos croatas: “O que foi que ele disse?”, terão perguntado. É que Tony Henry, cantor de ópera britânico, ao invés de ter dito «Mila kuda su plania», que quer dizer «sabes querida como gostamos das tuas montanhas», entoou «Mila kura si planina», que significa «minha querida, o meu pénis é uma montanha». Mas parece que os croatas atribuem a vitória sobre a selecção inglesa a esse episódio – que terá, porventura, relaxado os jogadores – e, assim, como em equipa que ganha não se mexe, convidaram-no já para entoar o hino nacional por alturas do Europeu. Pelos vistos, a língua croata é, também, muito traiçoeira…
Is this true Nika? Last wendnesday in the Euro game the singer miss spelled your nacional song? He should have sing «Mila kuda su plania», but he sang «Mila kura si planina».
Li aqui
Publicada por
2:12 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
a question...
If the "in" in "Michelin" is read in French like "Alain" (or sort of...)..
... how do you call in French Vladimir PuTIN??
(maybe like Rita in Cyrilic :-P ?)
Publicada por
11:20 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We're IN!!!!!
Portugal just made it pass Finland by a nil tie but Croatia...Ah Croatia...
CROATIA destroyed England on the pitch!! :-D
As France was already in...
Publicada por
10:42 PM
To be read alloud – Portuguese vs English
- In Portuguese:
Três bruxas olham para três relógios Swatch. Qual bruxa olha para qual
relógio Swatch?
- Now in English:
Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which
Swatch watch.
(Easy? Now for the Experts)
- Portuguese:
Três bruxas suecas e transsexuais olham para os botões de três relógios
Swatch suíços. Qual bruxa sueca transsexual olha para qual botão de
qual relógio Swatch suíço?
- Now in English:
Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches.
Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch witch?
(Now who says Portuguese is complicated?? ;-)
Publicada por
12:54 AM
1 comentários
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Fabulous Darling!
This is mostly a "girly" post but just so D. is included too I must inform that men can actually shave with this tecnique as Pat as seen in India.
Following our beautiful bride's "hint", I went to that place in Amoreiras to have my eyebrows done. There is one thing about my eyebrows: they're to "flimsy" and no-body I've asked has wanted to risk working on them, apart from the odd twiser here and there; no hairdresser, beautician or professional waxer wanted to style them, afraid they would do more harm than good.
But not the girls at Wiñks!
There is a little book there where you can find the do's and don't's of eyebrows regarding shapes of faces and distances between the eyes and even sizes of noses.
Following, a few clips from magazines showing these girls are in the business long enough to know what they are doing.
And so, fearing for my general look - my eyebrows have the bad habit of not growing back in some place, as I unfortunately learned from "self-extreme-twising" - I tried to relax and let her work her magic.
And magic it was indeed ladies and gentleman!
I don't have (yet) the evidence of that, but avoiding the harsh treatments I put myself through, I managed to have an appearance of eyebrows of a Bollywood star! ;-)
Look it up in your cities, girls, it's a riot!
It feels like a gentle scratching.
Here's some pics of what it looks like doing it.
It's the latest fad, ladies. Ta-ta!
Publicada por
3:39 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Now KL
Now we are at KL
Another big city with 90% humidity :s but with lots of japonese restaurants so we almost forget everything else :)
We are enjoying it very much, but we are strating to remeber that the honeymoon is almost gone....
We are departuring for a city tour in some minutes.
We saw David pictures and they are great :D
That day went really fast :D
Love you all
Publicada por
12:50 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A few weeks of delay...
I tend to say that if everything was as delayed in my life as all the things that I have to do or want to do, I'd be having a whole bunch of kids by now... which maybe would help the depressing birth statistics...
Anyway, roaming on my head for a few weeks is a session of babbling with myself without really reaching any conclusion - or at least one that I feel like accepting...
It started on a Sunday night, to the sound of "Ladies and Gentllemen, welcome to the airport of Amsterdam - Schipol..." (well, in true honesty, a couple of hours before, when the gentleman at the boarding gate said asked whether I would mind moving to business class... I do love the flights between A'dam and Lisbon, constantly overbooked :-P and what nice menus is Chef Victor Sobral coming up with!). As I walked and walked to the way out, two things were fighting in my mind:
And the other: But this is also home! I mean, it is not because it is an airport that I'm familiar with or because I can still understand the simple Dutch of airport and train station announcements, it's because it still feels like home... (will arriving to Zurich ever feel like that?)
Now, this poses another problem: will there ever be again one and only home? or is it that something will always be missing? if home is where your heart is (at least according to the posters of the pharmaceutical company - or is it phone compnay? - hanging precisely in Zurich airport) what do you do when you leave bits and pieces of it around?
I always remember Dorothy and her "There's no place like home, there's no place like home..."
But how would the fairy godmothers solve this????
And if you think that I'm too gloomy and depressive... well, I am. It's probably that time of the month again when hormones mess up my mood (it always a time of the month for hormones to mess up something, bless them, always taking the guilt!) and it's Sunday afternoon and it's cold and I should be working but I don't feel like it and I don't even feel like having chocolate... so you see how bad it is! :-P
Good thing is... it gets better soon! So time to stop wasting your patience...
And, dear photographers, when will we see more pictures of thewedding or of the honey moon trip?
Publicada por
Lobinho Ibérico
3:52 PM
Is there a logic to this?
Can someone please explain me...
Why we ruin our fire statistics in November, after a reasonable summer?
Why is it that, at the same time that we get yellow alerts for cold and bad weather in 6 out 18 districts, we still have 5 uncontrolled forest fires on the 18th of November?
Why do I still listen to the news?
Publicada por
Lobinho Ibérico
3:37 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hello everybody
Here we are in Bangkok, a big city and quite diferente from tidy Hongkong. Bangkok is a mess but has it's charm.
We were here from 2 hours and we met a portuguese friend, in 11 millions people who would guess. Now we are "hiting" the markets.
Love you all
Pat and Ze
PS. I'm happy you enjoyed our wedding :)
Publicada por
2:54 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Unforgettable Party!!
Hello There Love Birds! :-)
Thanks for your messages! I, and I think I speak for all, hope you have a blast over there! :-D
And thanks for the A-MA-ZING Party you guys threw! :-D To me, quite honestly, that was the ultimate wedding! :))
I found something on the web, that is Perfect for you guys :-) "Encosta-te a mim" - the Casablanca version!
I also want to thank N. and D. for taking me to places in my own city (area) that I had never been too! I had a wonderful time! :-)
Lots and Lots of Love to EVERYBODY!!
Publicada por
7:19 PM
The Song ;-)
Encosta-te a mim,
nós já vivemos cem mil anos
encosta-te a mim,
talvez eu esteja a exagerar
encosta-te a mim,
dá cabo dos teus desenganos
não queiras ver quem eu não sou,
deixa-me chegar.
Chegado da guerra, fiz tudo p´ra sobreviver
em nome da terra, no fundo p´ra te merecer
recebe-me bem, não desencantes os meus passos
faz de mim o teu herói, não quero adormecer.
Tudo o que eu vi,
estou a partilhar contigo
o que não vivi, hei-de inventar contigo
sei que não sei, às vezes entender o teu olhar
mas quero-te bem, encosta-te a mim.
Encosta-te a mim,
desatinamos tantas vezes
vizinha de mim, deixa ser meu o teu quintal
recebe esta pomba que não está armadilhada
foi comprada, foi roubada, seja como for.
Eu venho do nada, porque arrasei o que não quis
em nome da estrada, onde só quero ser feliz
enrosca-te a mim, vai desarmar a flor queimada
vai beijar o homem-bomba, quero adormecer.
Tudo o que eu vi,
estou a partilhar contigo o que não vivi,
um dia hei-de inventar contigo
sei que não sei, às vezes entender o teu olhar mas quero-te bem,
encosta-te a mim.
(jorge palma)
Publicada por
7:16 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A new found respect for brides on their wedding night...
It's true, I have a new found respect for brides on their wedding night... It's obviously so not about the "wedding night"... it's about the aftermath of the party! After being subject to hairdresser and makeup and dress and shoes and high heels and heavy bouquets and endless smiling and pictures and all the rest... finally the brilliant day comes to an end... you step out of the shoes (finally!) and before you have any other ideas, better to take care of those potential weapons hidden in your hair as hair pins and get it back to something that you can sleep with :-P
Since I'm obviously not a bride, where did all this come from? Well, I finally indulged my hairdresser into doing whatever she wanted with my hair last saturday... as a result, besides the additional time to take out the make up and the incredible relief of stepping out of the shoes (I'm so not a lady!) it took me a good 5 minutes to research and disarm these weapons (30, at least!) and additional 10 mins just to try to put the comb through what used to be my hair - which I only got back the following morning, not without a higher than usual number of casualties... And I was just a guest on a very nice wedding!
And why all this babbling around? Maybe because working at odd hours in the night is not so good for my writing skills... By the way, I should be sleeping already, to face the new night shift...
Oh these Transfer Prices... I wonder if London has any such nice activities to fill my evenings!
Publicada por
Lobinho Ibérico
8:00 PM
Hi from Hong Kong
Hi girls and boy
We arrive ok after a really long flight. But we found out the the flight we be even longer when returnir.. 13h hours in a row...
Here we are in Hongkong before going to sleep. (8 hours diference) The restaurants are great and our Hotel is amazing. He had sushi and miso soup for breakfast, and of course eggs and ham and croissants and all the regular stuff :) Lots ofg skysrapers.
Tomorrow we are going to Macau and checkout all Portuguese heritage.
Pat e Zr
Publicada por
4:24 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Another final countdown
Who remembers this?
Final Countdown - Europe
Publicada por
7:34 PM
All of Ads
Ok, TV nowadays pretty much sucks apart from a few chosen series and talkshows, and in between them all we do is Zap-zap-ZAP! Do you remember the time there were a few well made commercials we just loved to watch? Some of them even got into our daily language.
Having that in mind, a few buddies and me got together to create a website only for TV commercials, some even not shown in our country(ies) and it's a good way to relax for a bit.
Check http://www.allofads.com/ - and feel free to leave a comment!
(enough of self-promotion ;-) I hope you like it!)
Publicada por
2:55 PM
Etiquetas: commercials, tv, websites