Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fabulous Darling!

This is mostly a "girly" post but just so D. is included too I must inform that men can actually shave with this tecnique as Pat as seen in India.

Following our beautiful bride's "hint", I went to that place in Amoreiras to have my eyebrows done. There is one thing about my eyebrows: they're to "flimsy" and no-body I've asked has wanted to risk working on them, apart from the odd twiser here and there; no hairdresser, beautician or professional waxer wanted to style them, afraid they would do more harm than good.

But not the girls at Wiñks!

There is a little book there where you can find the do's and don't's of eyebrows regarding shapes of faces and distances between the eyes and even sizes of noses.
Following, a few clips from magazines showing these girls are in the business long enough to know what they are doing.

And so, fearing for my general look - my eyebrows have the bad habit of not growing back in some place, as I unfortunately learned from "self-extreme-twising" - I tried to relax and let her work her magic.

And magic it was indeed ladies and gentleman!
I don't have (yet) the evidence of that, but avoiding the harsh treatments I put myself through, I managed to have an appearance of eyebrows of a Bollywood star! ;-)

Look it up in your cities, girls, it's a riot!

It feels like a gentle scratching.

Here's some pics of what it looks like doing it.
It's the latest fad, ladies. Ta-ta!

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